Tuesday, November 17, 2009

mary sonya conti

mary sonya conti


  1. Hi Mary,

    Thanks for following my blog. I see you haven't posted since November. Are you now returning to the blogging world or do you have a different blog that you keep up with?

  2. Hi Susan, have tied this into another blog that created...had hoped it would redirect you but ...see that's not the case. If you would be kind enough to go to http://www.marysonyacontiart.blogspot.com you will arrive at current blog entries. Thank you so much for commenting.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Often it's not the site's problem-as in my case it is the operator (smile) try http://marysonyacontiart.blogspot.com

    Fits the artwork -impressionistic flavor
